Kallie George

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Current Issue • April 2021

Dear Readers,

Yay for April fool's day and also the day we welcomed Ori into the world three years ago! Three years?! Truly!

I am excited about today. It's nice to have a day to celebrate. I can't believe that he was more or less a blob not that long ago and now has such strong opinions and a vibrant personality, gentle and fierce at the same time. He loves the outdoors and books and dancing and swimming. He is full of love.

Big Hero Six is his favourite movie (quite a good one, I might add!) and his favourite character is Baymax, a robot that is a personal health care companion. So, Ori's cake is going to be a Baymax cake. I'm really looking forward to his reaction tonight. It's the first birthday he really understands IS his birthday, so this is going to be a lot of fun.

In terms of booky things: there have been some really sweet posts and reviews of The Secret Fawn. Here's a little sampling:

From The Secret Society of Books: "A stunning and gentle tale of patience and persistence."

From Mai Story Book Library: "this enchanting story illuminates the power of nature to inspire, calm, mystify, and instill awe."

From The Small Protagonist: "perfectly captures the tender magic of being small. Especially when we see a secret animal in the wild. A gentle and enchanting read aloud to share with the littles you love."

From Momma Braga: "a beautiful children’s book that helps little ones see the beauty around them and have them believe that they are capable of seeing even if they are the youngest. A must read.”

Reviews like this mean so much. Thank you all so much.

I didn't realize it until I read Owl Moon by Jane Yolan and illustrated by John Schoenherr to Ori the other night, how much there is a similar moment in the two books--that moment where a child and a wild creature look clearly at each other for a good long moment.

I also just preordered this book, Wishes, which looks like total gem by Muon Thi Van and Victo Njai.

I'm slowly plodding forward on different other projects and that is nice. I know I'm going to be drawn outside a bit more as the weather turns warmer.

Lots of care to all for the Spring and here's to brighter days moving forward for us all.

