Issue #16 • January 2019


Dear Readers,

It's a new year, with new adventures awaiting!

I must admit, I've never been a huge fan of New Year's Eve parties, as compared to Christmas celebrations and even celebrating Solstice. I'm just not a huge partier! (Mind you, this year our party was thrown by amazing friends and Yoda-themed!)

But there's always something a little sad to me about the end of all the fun holiday time. This is one of Anne of Green Gables' quotes, "Oh, Marilla, looking forward to things is half the pleasure of them!" And I completely agree. I love the lead up to the holidays most of all.

(When I saw this book a while ago, “Sad Santa”, about Santa's post holiday blues, I had to buy it!)

That said, this new year there IS a lot I'm looking forward to, so hopefully my post holiday blues aren't so bad. Mainly, Ori has his FIRST birthday on April 1st. Bring on the cake! And I am going on the TD book tour to PEI in May, and I can't wait to check out all the Anne of Green Gables sites.

Also, my book Wings of Olympus is being published in March.

And... finally... our house on the Sunshine Coast is going to be built this year, and, fingers crossed, we will actually be moving in before the end of 2019. Which is just crazy to think about!!!
This is a picture taken this Christmas of my parents' place. Our house is being built on five acres not far from it.

I also have a few exciting projects in my sleeves--a lot to do with miniature things--as I am obsessed.

So, all in all, 2019 is looking to be pretty grand after all!

